Where is Bridget Jones's Diary filmed?

Updated: 22 November 2019
Comedy Drama Romance

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Photos and/or stills of the scene.

Screenshots of this scene. Copyright owned by the production company that produced this programme. For more information on our use of screenshots please see our image website terms.


Photos showing this scene. All credits shown when image is selected.


Screenshots of this scene. Copyright owned by the production company that produced this programme. For more information on our use of screenshots please see our image website terms.

Location also in
Filmed Nearby
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Romantic comedy telling the story of a year in the life of a neurotic thirtysomething who resolves to take control of her life once and for all. She drinks, smokes and eats too much, and, worst of all, she falls for the wrong kind of man - passing over Mr Right for Mr Right Now. From the novel by Helen Fielding.


Bridget Rose Jones
Renée Zellweger
Mark Fitzwilliam Darcy
Colin Firth
Daniel Cleaver
Hugh Grant
Bridget's Mum
Gemma Jones
Bridget's Dad
Jim Broadbent
James Callis
Sally Phillips
Shirley Henderson
Felicity Montagu