Where is Ordeal by Innocence filmed?

Updated: 1 April 2018


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Filtering 1 location from Episode 1 (S1E1) Show all

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Scene provided by {{ item.provided_by.name }}


Photos and/or stills of the scene.

Screenshots of this scene. Copyright owned by the production company that produced this programme. For more information on our use of screenshots please see our image website terms.


Photos showing this scene. All credits shown when image is selected.


Screenshots of this scene. Copyright owned by the production company that produced this programme. For more information on our use of screenshots please see our image website terms.

Location also in
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The black sheep of the Argyll family, Jack Argyll, was accused of murdering their matriarch a year ago, but now a man shows up on their doorstep claiming Jack’s innocence. The family must come to terms with this news and the fact that the real killer might still be among them.

More from Ordeal by Innocence on our blog:


Dr. Arthur Calgary
Luke Treadaway
Leo Argyll
Bill Nighy
Philip Durant
Matthew Goode
Jack Argyll
Anthony Boyle
Gwenda Vaughan
Alice Eve
Rachel Argyle
Anna Chancellor
Kirsten Lindstrom
Morven Christie
Tina Argyll
Crystal Clarke
Hester Argyle
Ella Purnell
Mary Durant
Eleanor Tomlinson
Mickey Argyll
Christian Cooke
James E Thompson