The Night Caller premiered on Channel 5 on Sunday 7th July 2024 and stars Robert Glenister, Sean Pertwee and Suzanne Packer.
The tv series is set in Liverpool, and many of the establishing scenes show Liverpool backdrop, however many of the scenes were filmed in Dublin also including the coffee shop and restaurant that were featured throughout.
Photos and/or stills of the scene.
Screenshots of this scene. Copyright owned by the production company that produced this programme. For more information on our use of screenshots please see our image website terms.
Photos showing this scene. All credits shown when image is selected.
Screenshots of this scene. Copyright owned by the production company that produced this programme. For more information on our use of screenshots please see our image website terms.
The story of Tony, a Liverpool taxi driver who begins to form an unhealthy obsession and twisted world view of a late-night radio talk show host.